Gat no.1325,Plot No-B40, Sonawne Wasti Chikhali, Pune -411062.
Monday - Saturday 09:00AM-7:00PM
+91 9850009967


200,000 SQ/FT LAND | 150,000 SQ/FT SHOP FLOOR

Resources List

  • ISO 9001/2008
  • TS/16949
  • CNC Plasma Cutting
  • Laser Cutting Machine
  • NC Plate Rolling Machine
  • CNC Press Brake
  • Robotic Welding
  • Heavy Fabrication Floor
  • Machining Shop (VMC, Turning Center, CNC HBM)
  • Press Shop
  • CMM (FARO Make)
  • Development Center and Tool Room
  • Short Blasting Booth
  • Paint Booth


Moraya Industries established in 1991
Specialized in Heavy Fabrication, Machining & Stamping
Forte of Automobile, Farm Equipment and Construction Equipment segments
Grown from sheet metal & machining fabrication company to fully finished product manufacturing company.

Our Vision

To be the most respectable name in the highway and off highway

OEM ancillary industry with significant global presence.

Our Mission

Deliver superior products consistently.

Chairman Message

The people at Moraya Industries aim to build a reputable and honest business through hard work and integrity. We will provide our clients with a quality service, delivered on time and conducted safely.

We consider the people at Moraya Industries as one team and treat each other with equal respect as each person contributes with their own personality and skill to the team effort.

As the leader of the team, I have total faith in my team members and will guide them to personnel and professional success and fulfillment.

Together we will achieve our goals.